Thursday, May 7, 2009

every dog has its day (although i am not a dog) cont.

Based on Han Wei, my font size is too straining on the eye so I have decided to make the font size large. Yup. And for miscellaneous purposes, I would like to announce that this post is not really related to the previous one and I had not planned for this. Oh yeah. I will keep this short for the reader's comfort.

Firstly, let me comment on the whole day. Firstly, it has been a GREAT day for me! thus the title. It started when I read the newspapers about Manchester United winning Arsenal (WooHOO! Sorry for hurting your feelings though, Justin) and continued when I got my maths results back. Finally, I have gotten full marks without the bonus question! Muahahaha! I congratulate Ming En on carrying on your constantly consisistent consecutive (yeah, alliteration) full mark streak for the math tests.  (Suddenly I realise math period was the last. This whole order is screwed.)

After that was the com lab experience when we watched the Chinese movie which was in English and it was very nice, though we could not get to watch the "精彩的部分" as quoted from 房老师 since the bell had rang and the 1i2 class were starting to rush in. BTW, everybody who has read this blog PLEASE bring your chinese files ALL ELSE. However, I would like to apologise for the fact that I have not taken the "少年文摘" yet. Please remind me for whoever is reading this blog post, though I believe that responsible Chun Jie will remind me again as he did the past time.

The english essay marks were okay too because I got A1 but it is not the best because there were like 7 people ahead of me. I hope that I can get exemption from Literature exams though.

And what is Mrs Ann's obsession with Nasi Lemak? Not that I am implying anything mean, she is quite a good teacher.

Finally, the last great things about this great day was our prelim Two and the soccer match, although I was really angered when the JC students refused to move and even after that, the referee let the 1i4-2i3? match start first. It just struck me that since the 1i4-2i3? match was scheduled to be from 2-2.40, the sec 2 students shouldn't have argued that they had to go at 2.00 as they should had already known that IF their match had started from 2-2.40, they wouldn't have played (still).

Though we stll won though Wei Ren and myself only played like 2 minutes? and had to rush off though we still saw Timothy Lung score that brilliant goal which most likely arose from his proness at basketball throwing. He was agreat goalkeeper to the end, though I must say that the sec 2s were shooting not into the empty areas but into Timothy Lung. Justin rocks too, for scoring four goals. I was so relieved when Jin Yang said you could play once you replaced the ball. And it turned out to be a great decision. Though again, it seems like this is a bad day after getting his hand mutilated and his soccer teams' dreams being mutilated too.

And for the prelim two, we like sailed through the finals like a sailfish because of a decisive statement one of the judges said,"Why are you in prelim two?" And at that, our hearts leapt with joy and all the judges were like smiling especially the one who just spoke the previous statement. And she ended off with "0kay, no more questions? Thank you!"

So, as I conclude yet again, as I did for the previous post, but in a lighter tone, every Yi  Pin has his day.

Yi Pin (not Yipin)

Ps. I guess this isn't really a short post. look out for the next post posted on the same day and about same time.

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