Friday, May 8, 2009

All of a sudden (oops! Please whoever who is marking my blog don't be as critical as Mdm Lim and censure my blog for using these forbidden words) I just realised that my titles never appear as a title!! Grr! It must be my blogskin! so here's today's title:


So lets start harping on something. What should it be? OKay then, since today for some reason I have a drought of ideas for this post let me comment on yesterday's very busy life from 1.30-. Firstly, obviously i don't read the class blog so i did not know that the letter from Afghanistan was due. And since I was content to leave it living in my file waiting for a chance to leave the file to live in Mdm Lim's Language Arts file, (GREAT ALLITERATION! =) a smiley if you dont recognise says Mr Krison), I had no chance to do it and for some reason when Mdm Lim told us to hand it up, I had not taken the chance to do it but instead placed it back into the file to let it wait for another eternity to live his dream of leaving the file. Only when it was 1.30 that Han Wei was screaming for that worksheet that Mdm Lim's sacred words came to mind: Late worksheets will not be entertained that I started rushing it. And to pile onto my worries, I had not labelled the dividers on my yellow file because I had no stickers and stuff like that. And besides that I had to bring the yellow files to 房老师's table with the temporarily elusive Darrel. So you can imagine the stress that was on me when my stomach reminded my that it was goaning for a lunch.

As I never wanted to be on a blacklist of any teacher, I decided to sacrifice my lunch to finish my worksheet. Luckily, Zhu Cheng was nearby; Unluckily, he was hooked on PES (damn my brother for sending him that); but our responsible chairman did not fail to help me and I finished the worksheet and transorted the yellow files to 房老师's desk in a short timing of 30 minutes. Of course, my CCA started at 2.oo and when I rushed to the room my CCA members were waiting outside the room and my stomach was like going mad so after asking Ming En "Should I go and eat?" and hearing him reply "I finished in 4 minutes" I rushed away to the canteen, ignoring Ming En's futile cries of "Oi! Don't go!"

In 4-5 minutes I finished my big plate of 菜饭 and dashed back to the room, only to find that everyone had gone into the room. Without further ado, I went into the room and sat at the far side, listening to Ms Gwee talking about the our CCA open house activities. 2.50 came very soon and I left 5 minutes late, arriving at the track and was in time to see our class win the 4x100 m relay! Somehow I observed that those on the outside of the track always got first/second while those at the inner ring were significantly slower. 

After that was the 12x200 relay and we got second! However, we can forgive Samuel because he is a sprinter and can dash like super fast for 100 m but not so fast at the next 100 m. Anyway, a silver medal is better than nothing. And even with a bandaged hand Justin still did quite well.

So thats like everything that went on. 

Since the math question was posted 50 minutes before, I guess that noone had the chance to try it so I have decided to post the answer the next time! continue reading my blog and bye!

Yi Pin.

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