Friday, May 8, 2009

Ok, this will be my last post as I have reached five posts already. This blog post willl be dedicated fully to math and I will not make it very long as I still have homework like the IS final project, chinese worksheet which I unfortunately left at school because of that super-hectic 30 minutes which I covered on the previous post which might take you 30 minutes to read it (for some reason I am a more long-winded bloger than Darrel who is more popular in the long-winded olympics. But let me assure you, I will be a worthy opponent so watch out, Darrel!!). What a coincidence. Anyway, how ironic as I am the Chinese rep. I think I am like the most forgetful chinese rep around. ANYWAY, i HAVE deviated from the topic of math so let us start on it!

Firstly, the answer to the question. As you ave seen, the sequence is 19, 4, 1, 4, 7 and the 6th term is 4 so this is similar to Mr Tan's pattern of 5 '1's. You can therefore see that the repeating fours is an indication of the nth term being something+4. And since this occurence only appears at the 2nd,4th and 6th term, you can safely assume that the nth term is something like (n-6)(n-4)(n-2). However, if you try that, you will get a sequence of -11, 4, 7, 4, 1,4 which is quite different. So the trick is that you have to minus the 4 away from all the terms first. you will then get 15,0,-3,0,3,0. It is then suddenly obvious that this sequence is actually the negated version of your (n-6)(n-4)(n-2) which is equal to a sequence of -15, 0, 3, 0, -3, 0. So, it is now obvious that the nth term is actually (6-n)(4-n)(2-n)+4.

There you have it! And so since I promised to make this short, this post ends here.

Yi Pin.

PS.a maths question for math enthusiasts:another sequence---28,24,12,6,4,? 

All of a sudden (oops! Please whoever who is marking my blog don't be as critical as Mdm Lim and censure my blog for using these forbidden words) I just realised that my titles never appear as a title!! Grr! It must be my blogskin! so here's today's title:


So lets start harping on something. What should it be? OKay then, since today for some reason I have a drought of ideas for this post let me comment on yesterday's very busy life from 1.30-. Firstly, obviously i don't read the class blog so i did not know that the letter from Afghanistan was due. And since I was content to leave it living in my file waiting for a chance to leave the file to live in Mdm Lim's Language Arts file, (GREAT ALLITERATION! =) a smiley if you dont recognise says Mr Krison), I had no chance to do it and for some reason when Mdm Lim told us to hand it up, I had not taken the chance to do it but instead placed it back into the file to let it wait for another eternity to live his dream of leaving the file. Only when it was 1.30 that Han Wei was screaming for that worksheet that Mdm Lim's sacred words came to mind: Late worksheets will not be entertained that I started rushing it. And to pile onto my worries, I had not labelled the dividers on my yellow file because I had no stickers and stuff like that. And besides that I had to bring the yellow files to 房老师's table with the temporarily elusive Darrel. So you can imagine the stress that was on me when my stomach reminded my that it was goaning for a lunch.

As I never wanted to be on a blacklist of any teacher, I decided to sacrifice my lunch to finish my worksheet. Luckily, Zhu Cheng was nearby; Unluckily, he was hooked on PES (damn my brother for sending him that); but our responsible chairman did not fail to help me and I finished the worksheet and transorted the yellow files to 房老师's desk in a short timing of 30 minutes. Of course, my CCA started at 2.oo and when I rushed to the room my CCA members were waiting outside the room and my stomach was like going mad so after asking Ming En "Should I go and eat?" and hearing him reply "I finished in 4 minutes" I rushed away to the canteen, ignoring Ming En's futile cries of "Oi! Don't go!"

In 4-5 minutes I finished my big plate of 菜饭 and dashed back to the room, only to find that everyone had gone into the room. Without further ado, I went into the room and sat at the far side, listening to Ms Gwee talking about the our CCA open house activities. 2.50 came very soon and I left 5 minutes late, arriving at the track and was in time to see our class win the 4x100 m relay! Somehow I observed that those on the outside of the track always got first/second while those at the inner ring were significantly slower. 

After that was the 12x200 relay and we got second! However, we can forgive Samuel because he is a sprinter and can dash like super fast for 100 m but not so fast at the next 100 m. Anyway, a silver medal is better than nothing. And even with a bandaged hand Justin still did quite well.

So thats like everything that went on. 

Since the math question was posted 50 minutes before, I guess that noone had the chance to try it so I have decided to post the answer the next time! continue reading my blog and bye!

Yi Pin.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Remembering that it is essential to post about Animal Farm, I have decided to do this in addition to something I had wanted to post but did not want to make my post too long so I have decided to post it in a new post which is this one (try saying this sentence in one breath) and post some other things (e.g. multimedia).

Firstly, lets discuss about Animal Farm. It seems to be very lame to summarise this story which has been summarised so much times it is more abridged than an abridged dictionary (what?) so i have decided to talk about the flaws of all the animals which caused the downfall of Animal Farm as it transformed back to Manor (Man or) Farm even though it turned out to be very prosperous with the farmers commenting on its efficiency and cruelty.

So let us start with the top baddies, Napoleon and Squealer. Napoleon was obviously too greedy for power and thirsted for money, therefore bringing Animalism to an end, by adopting the vice of the lust for money by humans. Besides, he was the one who brought the collapse of Animal Farm so he is the main culprit.

Squealer is just Napoleon's mouthpiece and an eloquent way of turning Napoleon's unfair actions into great deeds that show Napoleon's "love" for the animals. Besides, he was the one who changed all the commandments to suit his own needs and explained away all the breaking of the commandments, thus corrupting the values of Animalism. This led to th collapse of Animalism as an ideal and the colapse of the "brainchild" -Animal Farm.

Next are the ignorant animals. Boxer was instrumental in keeping the power of Napoleon in check as his own motto was that "Napoleon ia always right", thus showing the way he blindly followed and worked his way into a knacker's van. This loyalty was obviously not appreciated as Boxer was done away after he got injured. 

Some of the other animals, such as the chickens who were directly affected did rebel but it was futile and more of the other animals who realised they were heading in the wrong direction suicided by confessing to "crimes" with Snowball. However, Snowball easily deflected these threats by weaving untruths with his glib tongue.

Benjamin was the most useless one, not doing anyhting constructive to make the animals realise what was happening. However, it was clear he wanted to stay silent or risk his life, or he just saw no point in doing anything because based on him, poverty and starvation were the unchangeable way of life.

Clover did realise something but was too late, and her memory was rendered useless as she never trusted it, instead trusting Squealer and his false truths.  Therefore, Animal Farm collapsed.

The dogs were in the same league of Napoleon and are not worthy enough to be discussed.

So that is all for the discussion of Animal Farm and surely this is longer than 150 words.

Just some miscellaneous multimedia for something we watched today but could not catch the last part-斗琴,

I wanted to post a maths question but it seems that there is no time...

well here it is:)(For those who read this post be4 10.31 a.m. 9 may 2009, you will not see this because I edited this post at  10.32 a.m. 9 May 2009.)

Find the nth term of this sequence and predict the 6th term...

19, 4, 1, 4, 7, ?

Any ideas? Your answer can be counted as a comment and to make it over 50 words, I can give you an idea to lengthen it. You can post like:"In a response to Yi Pin's post about Animal Farm (after he remembered that it is essential to post about Animal Farm)which is in addition to something he had wanted to post but did not want to make his post too long so he had decided to post it in a new post which is this one (try saying this sentence in one breath) and post some other things too(e.g. multimedia), I have an answer to his maths question :" So heres how you can do it.

Stumped? If you want the answer, I can post it in a new post, but I hope someone will try it. And if you really can't think of anything, you can relate to Mr Tan's pattern and another hint is that the 6th term is 4 for those who really 放弃了.

So bye!

Yi Pin.

every dog has its day (although i am not a dog) cont.

Based on Han Wei, my font size is too straining on the eye so I have decided to make the font size large. Yup. And for miscellaneous purposes, I would like to announce that this post is not really related to the previous one and I had not planned for this. Oh yeah. I will keep this short for the reader's comfort.

Firstly, let me comment on the whole day. Firstly, it has been a GREAT day for me! thus the title. It started when I read the newspapers about Manchester United winning Arsenal (WooHOO! Sorry for hurting your feelings though, Justin) and continued when I got my maths results back. Finally, I have gotten full marks without the bonus question! Muahahaha! I congratulate Ming En on carrying on your constantly consisistent consecutive (yeah, alliteration) full mark streak for the math tests.  (Suddenly I realise math period was the last. This whole order is screwed.)

After that was the com lab experience when we watched the Chinese movie which was in English and it was very nice, though we could not get to watch the "精彩的部分" as quoted from 房老师 since the bell had rang and the 1i2 class were starting to rush in. BTW, everybody who has read this blog PLEASE bring your chinese files ALL ELSE. However, I would like to apologise for the fact that I have not taken the "少年文摘" yet. Please remind me for whoever is reading this blog post, though I believe that responsible Chun Jie will remind me again as he did the past time.

The english essay marks were okay too because I got A1 but it is not the best because there were like 7 people ahead of me. I hope that I can get exemption from Literature exams though.

And what is Mrs Ann's obsession with Nasi Lemak? Not that I am implying anything mean, she is quite a good teacher.

Finally, the last great things about this great day was our prelim Two and the soccer match, although I was really angered when the JC students refused to move and even after that, the referee let the 1i4-2i3? match start first. It just struck me that since the 1i4-2i3? match was scheduled to be from 2-2.40, the sec 2 students shouldn't have argued that they had to go at 2.00 as they should had already known that IF their match had started from 2-2.40, they wouldn't have played (still).

Though we stll won though Wei Ren and myself only played like 2 minutes? and had to rush off though we still saw Timothy Lung score that brilliant goal which most likely arose from his proness at basketball throwing. He was agreat goalkeeper to the end, though I must say that the sec 2s were shooting not into the empty areas but into Timothy Lung. Justin rocks too, for scoring four goals. I was so relieved when Jin Yang said you could play once you replaced the ball. And it turned out to be a great decision. Though again, it seems like this is a bad day after getting his hand mutilated and his soccer teams' dreams being mutilated too.

And for the prelim two, we like sailed through the finals like a sailfish because of a decisive statement one of the judges said,"Why are you in prelim two?" And at that, our hearts leapt with joy and all the judges were like smiling especially the one who just spoke the previous statement. And she ended off with "0kay, no more questions? Thank you!"

So, as I conclude yet again, as I did for the previous post, but in a lighter tone, every Yi  Pin has his day.

Yi Pin (not Yipin)

Ps. I guess this isn't really a short post. look out for the next post posted on the same day and about same time.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

every dog has its day

As seen in the title, every dog has its day. This includes the converse which is definitely true, after the various proofs i went through on thursday. Maybe fate was forcing myself to rest on labour day. 

Anyway, here are the itsy bitsy details. Firstly, on thursday, we had the street soccer match (iLeague, not PES2008/2009 as some of you might wrongly mistake, which was precisely what my brother did so i added this message) at 1.30 pm. Excited as  a dog can be on its day (what day?), we bounded to the jc court, with myself rushing to the staff room and handing up the scarce amount of chinese worksheets to fang lao shi, then changing into P.E. attire and rushing to catch up with the others, all the while holding precariously to Aloy Oh's precious phone with the internazionale vs ? match paused. When we reached there, no one was in sight and they started training, with myself squinting at the tiny screen fated to cause myopia, furiously jabbing at the buttons and groaning intermittently. (Obviously i missed a goal).

Then the match started. At first, i was not in the team and we started quite well, although they scored a goal and justin came bounding back to score one more, equalising. After that, eeberything spiralled downhill and when i entered the pitch, our side had concede 6 goals and was losing 6-1. And that was like only half-half time. When i entered, everything turned for the better. For a while, nobody scored(exactly 1.58720064 seconds) and then...

they scored.



ok, nothing funny in reality. So the match progressed, and jin yang was subbed in, the goalie was changed several times from Wei Ren to Adrian to Wei Ren to Adrian and to me (for exactly 0.0000001 nanosecond and this can be counted as nothing even as small and infitessimal it seems) then to Adrian and to Wei Ren. So we conceded goals like...a pool ball into their holes? like...a pinball into the wormholes? like... a ball into a net?

Never mind. But the good thing was, we scored another goal with our great Justin who would prove to be a source of great chagrin for us. At the end, we were thrashed 11-2 but i would say that Jin Yang, Aloy oh , wei ren, and me were instrumental in getting the ball out (to the opponents, as i say, bowing my head in failure). Justin was good at dribbling, and adrian was great, but daniel sng from 1i4 was better. As we watched on, he saved many goals by using his hands and placing himself in front of the speeding ball, something i would not dare. This must have been why we lost so terribly(11-2) and they lost so terrificly (3-1).

Then Justin had to kick the ball up the tree, giving himself a red card off the pitch and suspension for the next game. This is spoken without any bad or ill feelings, mind you. 

The good thing was that when walking back for lunch, me, adrian, justin and wei ren saw a snake.

A REAL LIFE SNAKE, slithering on the ground! Based on justin and wei ren, they saw the snake fall from a tree. It was slithering into the drain and as we crept closer, i could see that it was orange, with black, yellow and some red specks o its body. It was about 30-40 cm long and had a small head (like ermmm, three beans put together. You weren't expecting a name , were you?) 

So now on to the bad things and since it is super late for me, 12.07 am, i will make it very short. Firstly, during baton passing, i scratched myself above the ankleswith my shoes. Then, i banged my head on the wall and slipped while walking back home. Worst, i left my plastic bag of uniform in class and returned home to a bad scolding.

So there you have it! Every dog has his day and bad day. Just for yu le xing, Justin's worst day is this day too. 


Yi Pin.